Biomagnetism Therapy Practitioners – Can They Help You?

Biomagnetism Therapy Practitioners in USA

Ever heard of biomagnetic therapy, a therapy that employs magnets to combat health issues? Although it is gaining popularity, the scientific community is not fully convinced. This blog focuses on the world of biomagnetism therapy practitioners, including their practices, potential benefits, and drawbacks you should consider. We will discuss the qualifications required for becoming a practitioner, where to find them, and what to look for when choosing the best one. But before then, let us break down what biomagnetism therapy entails and how its magnetic approach towards healing is based.

What Exactly is Biomagnetism Therapy?

Biomagnetism therapy is an alternative healthcare system that operates with static magnets that are placed on particular parts of our bodies. Developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz during the late 20th century, it involves an imbalanced cellular pH level providing an environment conducive for pathogens (viruses/bacteria/parasites). 

Biomagnetism therapists believe magnetically balancing corresponding points normalizes pH value, thus hindering these pathogens while optimizing well-being in general.

Typically, during a session of this kind of therapy, there will be pairs of magnets that your therapist would place at various parts of your body as requested by specific protocols designed to handle different health complaints. 

Also among these therapies are other forms, such as Applied Biomagnetic Therapy, which may employ additional assessment techniques.

Qualifications and Certifications for Biomagnetism Therapy Practitioners

Biomagnetism therapy uses magnets to balance energy in the body as part of its objective of providing alternative healing processes. In order to become certified biomagnetism practitioners, individuals usually have to take specialized training courses:

Training Programs: Taking accredited biomagnetism training courses is important; which address areas such as theory and mechanics behind biomagnetism scanning techniques or practical application among others. Look for programs with thorough content coverage and hands-on experience.

Certification: Seek certification from recognized bodies or institutions. For example:

  • Accredited Biomagnetic Therapy Practitioner Training Course is offered by The School of Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics that provides Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certification.
  • Some practitioners may choose to obtain certification from organizations such as the National Board of Examiners (NBEE) after they have completed their training, for instance, through Applied Biomagnetic Therapy Certification.

Finding Biomagnetism Therapy Practitioners

The following are some of the ways you can find biomagnetism therapy practitioners;

Online Directories:

  • Find local practitioners by using search engines. Include terms such as “biomagnetism therapy near me” or “certified biomagnetism practitioner.’

Clinics and Wellness Centers:

  • There are many wellness centers and naturopathic clinics offering biometric therapy services. Ask about their qualifications and whether they are certified.
  • Go to workshops, seminars, or conferences on alternative medicine. These meetings usually have professionals who can help you make a choice.

Considerations When Choosing a Biomagnetism Practitioner

Choosing the right practitioner is vital for a positive outcome:

Experience and Expertise:

  • Look for practitioners with vast experience in biomagnetic therapy. An experienced therapist will be better able to fulfill individual needs.
  • Ask about their success stories, case studies, and client testimonials.

Certifications and Training:

  • Always double-check their certifications and training. Confirm that they have taken accredited courses that include up-to-date techniques.

Communication and Rapport:

Book an initial consultation or session so as to gauge their manner of speaking with others as well as how you feel around them. Attentive listening plus clear explanations are what make up a good therapist’s behavior during this process.

Ethics and Professionalism:

  • Choose professionals who comply with ethical principles and retain professionalism.
  • Ask about their policies on the subject of confidentiality and personal limitations.

Benefits of using biomagnetism in therapy

Placement of Magnet:

  • Biomagnetic therapy is about accurately putting the magnets depending on the part of the body in question, where practitioners need to know what protocols apply.
  • To be effective in this therapy, experts must understand the accurate ways to do magnet placement.

Identification of Biomagnetic Pair:

  • Biomagnetic scanning procedures help medical practitioners to identify a variety of imbalances that may exist within a person’s body. This helps in regulating balance by finding and working with biomagnetic pairs associated with pathogens or dysfunctions.
  • Practitioners within different schools or therapies utilize diverse methods to identify pairs, such as muscle testing, pendulum dowsing, and intuitive assessment.

Assessment Techniques:

This will help them know which factors are causing persistent health problems for their clients. Techniques include,

  • Muscle Testing: This checks out muscle strength to determine an imbalance.
  • Biofeedback: This uses machines to see how well someone is functioning physiologically.
  • Intuitive Scanning: This employs personal intuition to sense energy disorder.

Knowledge and Research

Understanding Science:

  • Human anatomy, physiology, and pH balance form basic knowledge requirements for any individual practicing biomagnetism.
  • By knowing how these systems come together, therapists can decide better during their sessions.

Theory of Biomagnetism

  • Bioenergetic Fields – Understanding the energies surrounding our bodies and relating them to health issues
  • Pathogen Theory – Learning about pathogens like viruses, parasitic organisms, and bacteria and how they cause diseases
  • pH Balance – Essentiality of maintaining balanced pH for healthy living generally

Identifying Pathogens:

The focus is on interventions meant to deal with pathogenic causes behind healthcare imbalances experienced by individuals who seek services here.

With regard to different pathogen types, it would be important if practitioners had prior knowledge about them since some have potential impacts on health, such as ;

  • Viral Infections: Identification of signs and provision of knowledge on how a virus attacks the body.
  • Bacterial Imbalances: Looking for signs of overgrowth or insufficiency.
  • Parasitic Involvement: Their effects on health should be known.

Potential Benefits of Biomagnetism Therapy

Biomagnetism pair therapy, otherwise referred to as biomagnetism therapy, is a holistic healing art that utilizes magnets to regulate pH balance and promote self-healing. While evidence may still be lacking scientifically, there are several claims made by practitioners:

  • No Surgery: It is noninvasive hence, no cuts are made on a patient’s body; thus, it involves no pain and dependence on medications or surgical procedures.
  • Managing Cause not Signs: Therapy aims at the root cause rather than signs. The practice believes that by re-establishing the natural pH balance within the human body, will enhance general healthiness.
  • Managed Conditions: This has been applied to manage chronic pain, infections, diseases such as allergies, and mental conditions, hence complements conventional therapy while also fortifying the immune system against other ailments.
  • Empirical Evidence: Although there is little scientific backing, anecdotal reports show positive outcomes among users who have utilized this form of therapy.

FAQ: Biomagnetism Therapy Practitioners 

Q1: What is it like to be a biomagnetism therapy practitioner? 

A1: Biomagnetism therapy is an alternative method of therapy that employs magnets with various strengths to balance pH levels in the body, thus promoting healing and well-being. Therapists believe that by placing magnets on specific points of the body, they can offset imbalances as well as encourage self-healing.

Q2: How does biomagnetism therapy work? 

A2: Biomagnetism therapy involves applying magnets over certain parts of the body that are believed to harbor some disharmony. The belief is that such disharmonies contribute to a number of health problems. Thus, this kind of therapy zeroes in on these areas in order to have the natural pH regulated, enhance blood flow and achieve general good health.

Q3: How do I find a skilled person to offer me biomagnetic therapy services? 

A3: For qualified practitioners search through professional associations’ registered members list, recommendations from healthcare providers or internet directories may guide you towards experienced ones. Check their credentials plus training and get feedback from other patients so that you are sure they are legit.


Despite scientific uncertainties surrounding this practice of wellness provision called ‘biomagnetism therapy,’ we have explored the mean of practitioners together with its possible outcome, but remember to consult your healthcare professional. The choice to examine biomagnetism therapy ultimately falls on you, but conduct some research and prioritize conventional medicine in tandem with alternative options.

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